As being reported in Russian media, there are currently over twenty Russian warships and battleships in the Mediterranean Sea. Most of those already relocated to its Eastern part - same where Syria is, and probably heading to the country. Here is the whole list and description of the armada in action.

First one is Udaloy-class destroyer "Admiral Panteleev". It was used before as Russian forces against Somali pirates in 2009. Then it was stationed in Russian Pacific coast. Then, after the Syrian situation started getting worse they ordered it to come to the Mediterranean.
Also a towing ship.
And one more - "Novocherkasks". Lots of landing ships.
Neustrashimyy-class frigate, same name "Neustrashimyy". Came to Mediterraneans from Gulf of Arden.
"Peresvet" ship. Those are "landing" ships - they bring soldiers on board and prepare them to deploy whenever its needed.
And one more ship is expected in 9/29.
That's all for now, but not all that is expected to arrive there till the end of this year. A few more, namely five more ships - some of them listed below, are going to join the Armada in next couple of months.
And another "Minsk".
And there is even more. Here is Moskva (Moskva the Russian name for the city of Moscow, ex-Slava, which means "Glory") is the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class of guided missile cruisers in the Russian Navy. It also leaves Atlantics now and enters Mediterranean.
Also a scout ship.
But that's not it! Here is Vice-Admiral Kulakov an Udaloy-class destroyer of the Russian Navy. It leaves Atlantics now and goes into Eastern Mediterranean.
Russian destroyer Smetlivy.
Another landing ship "Azov".
One more landing ship:
Ropucha II or "Admiral Nevelsky"
And an oil or diesel tanker "Yelna". Because army needs resources.
And a "floating workshop" - repairs and maintence team and ship.

First one is Udaloy-class destroyer "Admiral Panteleev". It was used before as Russian forces against Somali pirates in 2009. Then it was stationed in Russian Pacific coast. Then, after the Syrian situation started getting worse they ordered it to come to the Mediterranean.
Also a towing ship.
And one more - "Novocherkasks". Lots of landing ships.
Neustrashimyy-class frigate, same name "Neustrashimyy". Came to Mediterraneans from Gulf of Arden.
"Peresvet" ship. Those are "landing" ships - they bring soldiers on board and prepare them to deploy whenever its needed.
And one more ship is expected in 9/29.
That's all for now, but not all that is expected to arrive there till the end of this year. A few more, namely five more ships - some of them listed below, are going to join the Armada in next couple of months.
And another "Minsk".
And there is even more. Here is Moskva (Moskva the Russian name for the city of Moscow, ex-Slava, which means "Glory") is the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class of guided missile cruisers in the Russian Navy. It also leaves Atlantics now and enters Mediterranean.
Also a scout ship.
But that's not it! Here is Vice-Admiral Kulakov an Udaloy-class destroyer of the Russian Navy. It leaves Atlantics now and goes into Eastern Mediterranean.
Russian destroyer Smetlivy.
Another landing ship "Azov".
One more landing ship:
Ropucha II or "Admiral Nevelsky"
And an oil or diesel tanker "Yelna". Because army needs resources.
And a "floating workshop" - repairs and maintence team and ship.