he Apostle Islands can be reached by foot from the shore of Lake Superior, about a mile away
Not since 2009 have the ice conditions on the lake been sturdy enough to allow visitors to safely cross on foot
The caves are expected to be open for another six weeks but could close at any point
The relentless barrage of freezing weather and snow storms hitting most of the U.S. may seem like more of a hassle than a winter wonderland, but there are some perks to the bitter cold.
Freezing temperatures have created the perfect conditions to visit Wisconsin's Apostle Islands caves, accessed by walking a mile out onto a iced-over Lake Superior.
For the first time in five years, visitors are able to explore the island's caves which have been turned into a 'fairyland of needle-like icicles' thanks to that polar vortex.

'The formations we are seeing this year are some of the best I've ever seen,' Neil Howk, assistant chief of interpretation with the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, told WDIO.
'People love coming out here in the summer because the cliffs and the caves are just beautiful, but this time of year...it's incredible,' Mr Howk added.