1 – 5,085 lb (2,306 kg) Great White Shark
Although data still needs to officially be checked, this astonishing shark caught off Phillip Island weights an amazing 5085 lb (2306 kg), making it possibly the biggest shark ever caught.
A great white shark nearly 20 feet long with a weight of 2,000 pounds was caught by commercial fisherman in northwestern Mexico in April 2012.
5 – Alf Dean’s Great White – 2,664 lb (1,208 kg)
Alf Dean caught a 2,664 pound great white shark off the coast around Ceduna, Australia on April 21, 1959.
4 – Dion Gilmore’s Great White -3,351 lb (1,520 kg)
As part of Daiwa fishing tackle advertisement, a 1520kg Great White was caught on rod and reel by a Dion Gilmore off the coast around South Australia. This 5.2 m, 1520 kg female was reported by Bruce (1992) to be mature, and bearing possible mating scars.
3 – Frank Mundus’ 1986 Great White – 3,427 lb (1,554 kg)
Over 17 feet long with a weight of 3,427 lb (1554 kg), this shark took almost 3 hours to be finally caught by Frank Mundus.
2 – Frank Mundus’ 1964 Great White – 4,500 lb (2,041 kg)
It took five hand-held harpoons, four barrels and five hours for Frank Mundus to catch this astonishing shark on June 6, 1964.
8 – Tiger Shark – 1,785 lbs (810 kg)
Kevin James Clapson caught this huge 1,785 lb tiger shark off the coast of Ulladulla, Australia on March 28, 2004.
7 – 1,940 lb (880 kg) shark in Norway
According to NRK it took the Danes 45 minutes to land the 880 kilo, 4 metre and 10 cm Eqalussuaq or Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) in Norway’s Bokna Fjord.