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Lady Gaga Talks Marriage Proposal in ‘Vanity Fair’

The signer tells Vanity Fair that she’s not impressed by a proposal, especially after breaking up with the man on bended knee. Gaga says that it’s only after she’s left someone that they’ve asked her to marry them.
“How f***ing romantic,” she quips. “Sure, pop a ring on my finger and make it all better. I can buy myself a f***ing ring.”
According to Gaga, her relationships fall short not because of her fame or money — but because of her talent.
“If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That’s who I am, and I don’t apologize for it,” she says. “But it’s a hideous place to be in when someone that you love has convinced you that you will never be good enough for anyone. I had a man say to me, ‘You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone.’”

In those moments of self doubt, she says, “Even though I know it sounds a bit Hallmark, whenever I [was] in that kind of stressful, worthless moment, I would think, I’ll show you.’”
She sums up her love life by saying, “I think what it really is, is that I date creative people. And I think that what intimidates them is not my purse; it’s my mind.”

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